Length: 1.6 mi RT
Elevation Change: 512' loss and regain
Season: Summer thru Fall
Difficulty: Moderate
Permit: NW Forest Pass Not Required
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If you want solitude, this is the hike for you. First of all, you have to drive into
the middle of nowhere, and then you have to hike down a cliff into the middle of nowhere.
But once you arrive in the middle of nowhere, I mean at Plaza Lake, you are very likely to have the place all to
yourself.... except for a few mosquitos if you manage to get there at the right time of year.
The trail is steep, but not in too bad of shape. The lake shore is difficult to reach,
but there are likely fish in this pond for those who might be interested. I'd check the
internet or call Fish and Game to be sure, before I went to all the trouble of getting
here just to fish.

Plaza Lake