This is another gem of a hike in the Mt. Rainier National Park.
The trailhead for this ambitious hike is located at the Sunrise Visitor
The elevation and proximity to Mt. Rainier results in a lot of snow on the trail
even as late as mid-July. Therefore, you are likely to enjoy this adventure more
if you wait until late July or early August when the wildflowers are in full bloom.
This hike to Burroughs Mountain takes you over the First Burroughs Mountain and
the Second Burroughs Mountain on your way to the actual Burroughs Mountain. Because
there are so many excellent hiking trails that begin at the Sunrise Visitor Center
Parking area, there are several different ways to accomplish this hike.
The map as well as my description of the hike will be leaving Sunrise VC and following
the Sourdough Ridge Trail to Frozen Lake and then on to the 3 mountains that make up
Burroughs Mountain.
I list this hike as difficult due not so much to the distance but to the total
elevation gain of over 2565 feet. The hike consists of a lot of climbing and
descending, only to climb again over and over.... BUT, it is so worth it.
Nevertheless, this is a world class hike with many rewards. It is not unusual
to see the pika or marmot or even mountain goats along this trail. Because of
the high elevation of this hike, only the lower portion of the trail provides
an incredible wildflower display in July and August.
In the fall, up until the snow falls and the road is closed, this is a very worthwhile

Mt. Rainier from the Burroughs Mountain trail